‘Destination Rødberg’ – our entry for Europan 15 competition

This year place.make’s team in collaboration with Magdalena Bogdanova and Nikolay Boboshevski was intrigued by the Europan 15 competition topic and therefore we spent part of the summer days working on our proposal Destination Rødberg.

Rødberg is a mountainous town in Norway surrounded by picturesque natural landscapes, yet most of its public space is covered in asphalt and dominated by cars. The town has developed around the hydropower plant Nore I, yet lacks effective connection with the water. It is an outdoor activities area, a gateway to some of the most beautiful natural and cultural sceneries in Buskerud, yet has no liveablle and attractive outdoor spaces for people to meet and spend time. All of these challenges we see also as a vital potential for Rødberg’s future development as an attractive and productive hub and destination in the region.

‘Destination Rødberg’ is our vision for Rødberg as an attractive place where urban and rural dynamics mix and interconnect. Our strategy is crafted around re-discovering the qualities and the resources of the town and the region and re-introducing them in the present life and environment for beneficial and sustainable future development. You can learn more about our proposal here.

Europan is a European competition happening once every two years aiming to gather innovative ideas and proposals from young professionals. This year’s Europan 15 session enlarges the topic from Europan 14 –“Productive Cities”, which is a complex and crucial one in the contemporary mutation of European cities. This session, Europan particularly focuses on the issue of the ecological transition related to a vision of the productive city for the future. Europan 15 proposes to point out three issues for this challenge on new productive conditions of transformation: Resources, Mobility and Spatial Equity.